Almost eight years ago, I sat down with my grandmother in Slovakia and recorded this interview, just for myself — to keep a part of her with me forever. My dear Babi is no longer here, and every time I read her words, I feel her so deeply that it makes my heart ache. Her presence, her wisdom, and her love shaped me in ways I’m only now beginning to fully understand. I will hold her legacy close and pass it on to my daughters, their daughters, and every generation that follows.

I wanted to share this personal interview here on MAISON because my very first memories of fashion and beauty are tied to her. I remember rushing into her home as a little girl, giving her a quick kiss and hug, and then running straight to her closet.
That closet was my wonderland. I’d spend hours surrounded by her clothes, creating outfits, imagining stories, and feeling completely at home in her world. It was there, in her wardrobe, that my passion for fashion came to life for the very first time.
Babi shaped not only my love for beautiful things but also the way I see them. She taught me to appreciate timelessness and nostalgia, to treasure pieces that carry history and meaning. But it’s more than that — it’s about finding ways to bring those pieces into our everyday lives, to make them modern yet classic, with just a little touch of daring. That’s how she lived, and that’s how I want to live too.
Thank you, Babi, for everything. For the memories, for the lessons, for the love. I miss you every single day. ❤️

What is love?
Well, I hear it from priests too, but I don’t know. Life is love. Life is a beautiful thing. A person is here as if on vacation. One must enjoy life. And love is paramount. The people you have. I can’t define what love is, but with fashion, it's like with love. What is good and meant to last will always come back. Love was, is, and will be.
How would you define your style?
I appreciate classic styles. Nothing exaggerated and fancy. Simple elegance. I like simple things that highlight my personality.

What does femininity mean to you?
I don’t like manly women. A woman should be gentle, sensitive, and straightforward.
What about a man?
Tolerant. A gentleman. He should speak nicely.
And how was my grandfather like?
Excellent. But he didn’t teach me anything. Hahaha.
And how was the party last night Petuska (she called me like that, Petuska)?...You know, because a party doesn’t always have to be successful. Last time I waited for Edo to come to the party, but he didn’t show up. So I told him to go to hell if he doesn’t have time for this. If he doesn’t have time now, then when? It’s been almost 60 years. I didn’t know my grandfather back then.

When you met my grandfather, was it love at first sight?
No. I liked his friend Zdeněk first.
When did you first fall in love with my grandfather?
When we were sitting in the cinema, and he held my hand.

What was your worst date ever?
When I went on a date with a guy named Paľo. And imagine, Peťuška... he farted, and something was falling out of his nose. Hahaha.
What is happiness?
Happiness is health.

When were you the happiest?
When your grandfather told me he would come to my parents house to ask my father for my hand to marry me.
What is your favorite color?
White and orange.
Because I had a dress that was white with orange flowers, and I felt great in it.
Where did you get this floral pyjama coat?
It is handmade by my sister. She brought it to me in the hospital when I was diagnosed with cancer.
What would you advise young women?
Beauty fades, but memories do not. A person lives on memories. It works. Even when the person you love most is no longer in this world, thanks to memories, I feel as if they are still here with me. Love does not fade.
What was your mother's advice?
My mother, your great-grandmother once told me... Gitka... Guard your honor. Don’t belittle yourself. You must protect your honor.
What is your recipe for love?
Make yourself precious. Don’t impose yourself. Don’t act important. Value yourself. You should take care of yourself, be honest and loyal.
When is the time for the first kiss?
Well, definitely not on the first date. As I said, you should make yourself precious. My mother once told me... Gitka, don’t rush things.
Nowadays, young people rush on things. But I am fundamentally against it.
What is your recipe for beauty?
Cream. Beetroot. Lipstick & love. A woman should take care of herself at every age. When a person is young, they are always beautiful. But it’s never a shame to enhance yourself. I think lipstick is essential for a woman.

What will never go out of style?
The trends are repeating in cycles. They always come back. I think that designers can’t come up with anything new or further. Just nudity. We’ll be walking around naked. Which would be a shame because fashion can always improve your mood, emotions, and highlight your personality. Of course... it’s better to be happy than well-dressed, but it’s nice when one can dress well.